
Showing posts with the label languages

Common Grammar Errors: What NOT To Write

Grammar are a persnickety…wait…let’s try that again. Grammar is a persnickety cog in the writing machine. Try as we might, sooner or later, every writer stumbles and makes a grammatical gaffe. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could write and write and not have to worry about correcting silly grammar slipups? Of course it would. So pour yourself some coffee/tea/Sanka (does anyone drink Sanka anymore?), pull up your favorite chair, and peruse a few of our favorite grammar do's and don’ts. Hopefully, like a singular subject to a singular verb, we can agree. Apostrophes. Don’t put your apostrophes in places they don’t belong. This is a mistake many writers make that causes English majors far and wide to wail and scream out loud. Example: At Pizza By Luigi we offer pickup’s and delivery’s. Sorry, Luigi, this is not correct. The above sentence would be interpreted as: pickup is and delivery is . It should read: At Pizza By Luigi we offer pickups and deliveries. Al...

Six ways to easilly learn a new language

            Ways to Learn a Foreign Language Fast 6 Here's a series of both online and offline tools that you can use to learn a foreign language and make your next trip abroad better. Being able to communicate with locals can significantly enrich your experience abroad. Not only are you less likely to get ripped off, but picking up a few local phrases can also immerse you more fully into a foreign culture. If you make an effort, speaking the local lingo can provide you with unique insights into the residents' customs, gastronomy, history, architecture, and much more. Are you eager to get started but don't know how? Here's a series of both online and offline tools that you can use to learn a foreign language, fast . . 1. Join an online community " The best way to learn a foreign language is to visit that country and immerse yourself in the culture and language, but for many traveling across the world isn't an ...