What I Know About Being Single Now That I'm In My 20s by jen glantz
Most of your 20s will be an inconceivable mess. Where you call home will change as often as the title on your 3x5 business card does. The most unswerving relationship you'll have will be with your email inbox and the most reliable love letters you'll receive will come monthly from credit card companies, telling you how happy they are to have you in their lives before demanding that you fork over your hard-earned cash. You'll find yourself going on as many first dates as job interviews. They'll start to feel exactly the same. You'll master your "About Me" speech and soon realize that the only way to kick the nervous jitters over whether or not you'll ever hear from them again is to frolic around your apartment like a total distraught maniac. In your 20s, being single will make you feel like a lightweight. There's only so many times someone can ask about your dating life (or lack thereof) before you burst out a monologue about how there i...