2 Minute 5 Layer 3D No-Sew Paper Towel Face Mask #Masks4all
Introducing the Omega Fold Face Mask (Mark 12). #omegafoldfacemask
Use what you have DIY 5-layer 3D Paper Towel/Tissue paper/printer paper face mask for immediate use while waiting for purchased surgical or cloth face masks to arrive.
List of materials:
•Paper towel select-a-size 5.5-6 x 11” wide or full sized 11” wide or Multi-fold 9.25” x 9.25”
•A4 printer paper 8.5”x11”
•Kleenex tissue
•#19 Rubber bands 3 1/2” x 1/16” https://www.staples.com/Staples-Econo...
0:45 Overhead tutorial
3:58 Cutting 1/4” rubber band in half
4:40 Link small rubber bands into a chain
5:23 How to wear face mask
6:10 Trying on smaller Multifold towel face mask
7:47 How to wear chain link rubber band variation
**The only feature we can truly copy from the N95 and Surgical Facemasks is the 1 time use and discard feature.**
A JAMA study (Sept 2019 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama...) comparing the N95 respirators vs Surgical Masks in preventing influenza virus from a cluster randomized control trial of healthcare professionals using these masks in an outpatient setting (medical clinic/doctor's office which should be similar to our exposure in the public, like stores, offices, etc.) showed no significant difference between N95 (7.2% infections) and surgical masks (8.2% infections).
With a 95% filtration of 0.3 micron particles, in theory this should prevent the flu virus from infecting the trained healthcare professionals when wearing these masks, yet there was 7.2% of flu infections amongst the HCP. How is this possible? Most likely the infection is occuring when handling the disposable masks (both surgical and N95) and some droplets with flu virus was on their hands when rubbing their nose, mouth and eyes which may have occurred before washing their hands.
That may explain the 7.2% and the extra 1% which is not significant may be accounted for by the rare case of direct inhalation of flu aerosol droplets.
For non-trained people using face masks along with hand washing, I worry that they spent so much time on making a "super-filtering" face mask that they will keep the face mask for multiple uses and actually increase their risk from the larger droplets (more than 8% assuming immediately discarding the mask) while gaining a very minimal advantage on the aerosol inhalation risk. Even the cloth masks can be the washed, but the filter material is hard to wash. I hope that makes sense.
The main goal of “non-medical face covering” is to 1. keep the nose and mouth covered to prevent the an unwittingly infected user from openly spraying sneeze or cough droplets into the air which may land on surfaces or a person’s hand and 2. prevent a non-infected user from accidentally touching their nose or mouth with their own hand after receiving Coronavirus droplets from a hand shake, door knob, ATM or elevator button, etc.
Non-medical face coverings or even surgical face masks will not protect the user from Coronavirus aerosol (floating microdroplets) from being inhaled. Medical experts are reporting that the aerosol route of contracting Coronavirus is much lower than the droplet transmission from a contagious Coronavirus carrier with or without symptoms or inanimate objects (fomites) which that person has touched with a contaminated hand (sneeze or cough into their hand.)
The Lancet Journal April 2, 2020: Stability of SARS-CoV-2 in different environmental conditions. Chin A, Chu JT, Mahen RAP, Hui KPY, Yen HL, Chan MCW, et alolan. They studied how long the Covid-19 Coronavirus survived on different surfaces and environmental conditions. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/la...
A microdroplet (5 ul) of Coronavirus was placed on various surfaces then tested for recovery of the virus after various amounts of time.
Tissue and printer paper: No detectable virus after 3 hours.
Wood and cloth: No detectable virus after 2 days
Glass and banknotes: No detectable virus after 4 days
Stainless steel and plastic: No detectable virus after 7 days.
Surprisingly, on the outer layer of a surgical mask a detectable level of virus could still be present (~0.1% of original virus in the micro droplet.)
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