3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight Fast, Naturally in as Little as 7 Days
Most of the time when you hear someone say that you can lose weight fast
it usually involves some sort of weight loss pill or some extreme diet,
but if you really want to lose weight fast naturally it can be done and
no fad diet is needed. Here are 3 easy steps that can have you on your
way to losing weight fast and they involve no diet pills, appetite
suppressants or extreme fad diets.
Step 1 to Lose Weight Fast Naturally - Cut Down on Your Liquid Calories
Liquid calories in the form of such things as soda and fruit juice can do major damage on your waistline. Depending on how many calories you currently take in as liquid form, you can easily shed at least 1-3 pounds in as little as 7 days by just simply eliminating these beverages.
Liquid calories in the form of such things as soda and fruit juice can do major damage on your waistline. Depending on how many calories you currently take in as liquid form, you can easily shed at least 1-3 pounds in as little as 7 days by just simply eliminating these beverages.
The average can of regular soda has anywhere from
150-200 calories. A cup of apple juice has approximately 120 calories.
If you have two cans of soda a day that means you are taking in at least
an extra 300-400 calories a day. Instead of drinking soda or fruit
juices, drink water. Water has zero calories and also helps to hydrate
your body which can actually help your metabolism increase to burn more
If you need some flavor for your drinks try adding
some fresh lemon or lime juice to your water or try green tea. Green tea
has zero calories and has also been shown to help aid in weight loss as
Step 2 to Lose Weight Fast Naturally - Fill Up On Fiber
A great way to lose weight fast is to get rid of the "white" food from your diet and replace it with fiber-rich whole grain foods. Instead of your white bread, make your sandwiches with a whole wheat or whole grain bread. Instead of white rice for dinner, make brown rice.
A great way to lose weight fast is to get rid of the "white" food from your diet and replace it with fiber-rich whole grain foods. Instead of your white bread, make your sandwiches with a whole wheat or whole grain bread. Instead of white rice for dinner, make brown rice.
reason why this works to help with fast weight loss is that fiber fills
you up much faster and helps to clear out your digestive system as well.
This means that instead of eating 2 cups of white rice you may only eat
½ or a cup of brown rice since it fills you up quicker.
Fiber-rich foods also help you to feel full longer which also helps you
eat less throughout the day. If you eat a fiber-rich lunch with whole
grains and vegetables you are not going to get the afternoon munchies
because you will still be full from lunch. By swapping fiber-rich foods
for empty calorie "white foods" you can expect to lose anywhere from 1-3
pounds in as little as 7 days.
Step 3 to Lose Weight Fast Naturally - Add at Least 30-45 Minutes of Physical Activity to Your Day
Although some people may argue that exercise is not required for weight loss it is a must if you want to lose weight fast. Simply adding in 30 minutes of physical activity that raises your heart rate everyday can have a dramatic effect on your weight. By doing this alone and not changing any other aspect of your diet you can actually lose 2-4 pounds in 7 days.
Although some people may argue that exercise is not required for weight loss it is a must if you want to lose weight fast. Simply adding in 30 minutes of physical activity that raises your heart rate everyday can have a dramatic effect on your weight. By doing this alone and not changing any other aspect of your diet you can actually lose 2-4 pounds in 7 days.
There are plenty of exercises that don't require you
to have any special equipment or join a gym. You can still lose weight
fast by simply walking or jogging for 30 minutes. This can be done
outside in your neighborhood and it is completely free. Some other
options for daily exercise may include workout videos, swimming,
bicycling, or circuit training. The key is to make sure that your heart
rate is elevated so you are in fat burning mode. If you are new to
exercise be sure that you take it easy to not injure yourself. If you
already exercise on a regular basis simply extend your workouts an extra
20-30 minutes to reap the benefits.
Following these simple
steps to lose weight fast naturally can have you shedding anywhere from
1-4 pounds in as little as 7 weeks. You can choose to follow all of
these steps for the ultimate quick weight loss or incorporate one step
every week to take things more gradually. Don't waste time just thinking
about weight loss, but do something know to make yourself healthier as
you can be reaping the rewards of quick and natural weight loss this
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